
A R T I S T S !              

Explore the links below as inspiration for writing, or perhaps you have some art websites, which are your favorites.  Either way, begin painting pictures with words!


The Louvre:  Take a virtual tour of artwork found in "The Louvre," located in Paris, France.

Museum of Modern Art:  Virtually stroll, or scroll, through artwork found in "The Museum of Modern Art," located in New York, New York.

The National Gallery:  Browse the collection room by room at "The National Gallery," located in London, England. 


Possible prompts for writing related to art, artists, galleries, etc:

  • Compare and contrast works of art, style, artists, etc.
  • Describe the emotions a particular piece of art evokes. 
  • Without background information, choose a piece of art that is unfamiliar to you and tell the story you see.
  • Choose a period of artwork and argue that the artwork does or does not reflect the culture, economics, people, struggles, and achievements of the time.